The 2024 Sir John Crawford Memorial Address – Dr Line Gordon video now available

August 19, 2024

Sir John Crawford contributed at the highest levels to the development of Australia and other countries and passionately supported international agricultural research for development. The Crawford Fund was established in his name, and since 1985, in his honour, there has been the annual Sir John Crawford Memorial Address.

This year’s Memorial Address at the Crawford Fund’s annual conference dinner was presented by Dr Line Gordon, Director, Stockholm Resilience Centre and Professor in sustainable food systems at Stockholm University. 

In her address titled “Building Resilience in an Interdependent Patchwork Earth”, Dr Gordon explained that to navigate the unprecedented risk landscape we face and ensure the resilience of our food systems in the Anthropocene, we must both establish overarching goals and science-based targets that integrate health, sustainability, and justice, and nurture diverse pathways that are adaptable to various local contexts.

The recording of the Memorial Address presented by Line Gordon is available to view below.

The Vote of Thanks was presented by Rosemary Deininger, Crawford Fund Board Member.

The most recent Sir John Crawford Memorial Addresses have included: