The Crawford Fund helps spread the good news about the mutual benefit and impact of research for food and nutrition security.
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Nominate a food security hero
December 1, 2024
Do you know a ‘food security hero’? The Crawford Fund is seeking nominations for the highly esteemed Derek Tribe Award. This Award is made biennially to a citizen of a developing country in recognition of their distinguished contributions to the application of research in agriculture or natural resource management in a developing country or countries.
The Crawford Fund Derek Tribe Award was inaugurated in 2001 to mark the outstanding contributions of Emeritus Professor Derek Tribe AO OBE FTSE, Foundation Director of the Crawford Fund, to the promotion of international agricultural research.
The winner of the award will visit Australia to encourage networks and linkages between their home institution and country with similar bodies and individuals here. During the visit, the recipient will deliver the much-anticipated Crawford Fund Derek Tribe Award Address.
The closing date for nominations is Monday 10 February 2025.
For more information about Derek Tribe and the Crawford Fund, click here.
For more information, contact Shaun Coffey, CEO, The Crawford Fund – [email protected]
The Derek Tribe Award Terms and Conditions are available here and includes the link to the online application form.
Crawford Fund’s 2022 Derek Tribe Award Winner, Dr Lisa-Maria Rebelo (Image courtesy of Digital Earth Africa)
The winner of the 2025 Derek Tribe Award will be in fine company with the most recent past winners including:
Dr Lisa-Maria Rebelo Lead Scientist at Digital Earth Africa and Principal Researcher, Earth Observation for Sustainable Development at the International Water Management Institute in Sri Lanka In recognition of her work across the African continent, and in South and Southeast Asia, in water productivity, remote sensing, natural resource management, wetland monitoring and assessment, basin water accounting and water productivity.
Dr Robert Zougmoré Program Management Committee, Regional Program Leader, CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security In recognition for the distinguished contributions he has made in building climate resilience into farming practices across sub-Saharan Africa, yielding significant outcomes for millions of rural people on the front line of climate change impact.
Dr R. K. Malik Senior Agronomist with the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Centre’s (CIMMYT) Sustainable Intensification Program
In recognition of his 30+ years of research and development in improving productivity and sustainability of rice-wheat cropping systems, and thus the livelihoods of millions of smallholder farmers, in the Indo-Gangetic Plains. To view CIMMYT’s press release about Dr Malik’s award recognition click here.
Dr Murom Banabas Head of Agronomy at the PNG Oil Palm Research Association In recognition of his 22 years of research and technical assistance dedicated to improving the sustainability and productivity of the oil palm industry in PNG.