July 1, 2021
The Crawford Fund is excited to announce additions to our free project-based high school learning materials which aim to excite educators and students to the impact of work around global food and nutrition security and the broad range of career pathways to involvement.
Teachers can register to download all materials for free.
“We have no doubt that involving young Australians in international agriculture and agriculture for development has meaningful and beneficial outcomes for food and nutrition security, for the students and for Australian agriculture,” said the Fund’s Cathy Reade, who manages our suite of NextGen activities.
“Special thanks go to specialists at ACIAR, a range of CGIAR programs and in Australian institutions who gave their time to help us with resources and projects on which the materials focus,” she said.
Three new modules have been added to our “Development for a Better Future” range of project-based learning materials that link to the Australian curriculum’s priorities of Sustainability and Asia & Australia’s Engagement with Asia. The modules have been mapped to the Australian National Curriculum across the curriculum areas of Geography, Economics and Business, Design and Technologies, Media Arts, English, Science, and Mathematics.
The new modules targeting students in Year 9 and 10 are:
“The Crawford Fund materials contextualise learning for students. By providing them with real life examples of Food and Nutrition Security in our region, young people are encouraged to initiate discussion, explore topics and act to develop a better future,” said Heather MacDonald of Education Partnerships the education consultant involved in the development of the resources. Heather has produced an Educator Guide for all materials.
The new modules add to the range released in October last year to celebrate World Food Day, which focused on:
This initiative, as part of our NextGen project, is supported by the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR).
Teachers can register to download all materials for free.
Further information, contact:
Cathy Reade
Director of Outreach and Manager of the NextGen Program
Mobile: 0413 575 934
Email: cathy.reade@crawfordfund.org