Doing Well by Doing Good – update
April 8, 2021

As reported late last year, the Crawford Fund has concluded that it is very timely to revisit previous work examining the benefits of Australia’s investment in international agricultural research. This work was initiated by our founding CEO, Derek Tribe, who coined the term “Doing Well by Doing Good.” The latest iteration appeared in a publication in 2013 available on our website.
Currently we have selected a team of consultants to revise this work focusing on the 2010-20 period.
The key aims are to:
- demonstrate the on-going value of Australia’s aid program investments to different dimensions of Australia’s agricultural innovation system
- make the case for continued investment in Australian international agri-food systems research and development through this mechanism
- make recommendations on how to focus this investment in response to emerging priority areas and current global trends
The team of consultants comprises:
- Dr John Mullen, co-author of the previous DWBDG report;
- Julien de Meyer, formerly a country manager for ACIAR with extensive experience in aid, development and program management;
- Dr Caroline Lemerle, formerly a program manager with ACIAR;
- Prof. Bill Malcolm, School of Agriculture and Food Systems, University of Melbourne;
- Dr Garry Griffith, Assoc. Prof., School of Agriculture and Food Systems, University of Melbourne.
The work commences on the 13th April and we expect to have the final report in late July. It is being overseen by a small steering committee from our Board and a representative from ACIAR.