February 2, 2023
for Australian school students in Years 9 and 10
WIN $1000 for your school!
We are so excited about our updated high school teaching materials, we want to get more teachers engaged. What better way than a competition!
After reading about our comp below, register for the materials so you can enter!
As part of our ACIAR-supported NextGen project to encourage the next generation into studies and careers to improve food and nutrition security, the Crawford Fund is offering a $1000 prize to the school of a student or student team that wins our ‘Development for a Better Future’ Competition.
We want tomorrow’s scientists, researchers, communicators, AI and big data specialists, nutritionists, geographers, engineers, designers, social scientists, problem solvers and creative thinkers to let their imaginations run wild and help us with their ‘development for a better future’ ideas.
We are looking forward to students’ solutions to some of the most vexing challenges to food and nutrition security. We hope to get lots of entries of videos produced as part of using our materials, or a video about their work and learnings from the materials.
Each entry will be individually judged by a panel, based on its message, the evident understanding of the issue being addressed and the appropriateness of the suggested solution.
The Crawford Fund will then publicise video submissions on our website and social media platforms, and share them with some of our partners to highlight the work of students and schools and their suggested solutions.
Entries must relate to a student’s class use of one of the seven modules in our “Development for a Better Future” series. While the teaching materials provide an opportunity for students to develop videos, blogs, essays, PowerPoints, ‘how to’ guides, field reports and social media campaigns, competition entries will be in the form of a short video.
The videos can be produced by an individual student or a class team and need to be submitted by their educator. The students must be attending a school in Australia or be home schooled in Australia.
You can read more on our new updated Secondary School modules here or you can register to download the materials here. The competition closes on COB Friday 24 November 2023.
Further background information on competition details and how to submit your video are here.
The module topics ask students to:
Have a go – we can’t wait to see what students produce as part of their efforts on “Development for a Better Future”.