June 25, 2020
The Crawford Fund was pleased to raise awareness in Australia of an important report “Actions to Transform Food Systems Under Climate Change,” that proposes a roadmap to avoid a series of climate-induced food crises with a clear, 11-part plan—and points to a wide number of readily available innovations—that can make food systems far more resilient to both climate and non-climate shocks.
Professor Andrew Campbell, CEO of the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) and co-author of the international report will launch it in Canberra on 25 June, as part of a global online relay with food security and sustainability experts addressing over 20,000 live viewers around the world.
Organised by the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security, the globe-trotting livestream event A new era for food and climate: Driving transformative actions progresses from Canberra, Australia to Vietnam, India, Ethiopia, Italy, Netherlands, Scotland, Mali, USA, and Canada, concluding in Colombia 12 hours later.
As part of the event, CSIRO will present findings from their investigation of 75 emerging technologies which have identified an arsenal of highly promising options, many of them ready or near-ready.