Your invitation to our 2024 Annual Conference


Transformative Partnerships, Local Leadership and Co-Design

Monday 12 August
6pm – 9pm: Sir John Crawford Memorial Address and Networking Dinner
QT Ballroom

Tuesday 13 August
8.30am – 5pm: Conference
Great Hall, Parliament House

As Australia’s key food security event, the Crawford Fund annual conference has again chosen a topic that is front of mind for those involved in food and nutrition security. This is why our annual conference consistently attracts delegates who want to be part of the discussion and network with experts and key players to improve our understanding, appreciation and impact for food and nutrition security. 

The Crawford Fund’s 2024 Annual Conference will emphasise the importance of better partnership and consultation arrangements, improved project governance, and authentic collaboration for codesigning and delivering high quality agricultural research for development projects and capacity building. We strongly believe that by doing so we can have more impact and our work can be better integrated into local cultures and structures including families, communities, policies and strategies. 

The program can be found here

The Sir John Crawford Memorial Address, presented at our specially styled conference networking dinner, will be presented by Dr Line Gordon, Director, Stockholm Resilience Centre and professor in sustainable food systems at Stockholm University. Her work focuses on water and food systems as key entry points to build resilience and improve governance. 

We have again used our local and global networks to find thought-provoking expert speakers. With this year’s topic on partnership and collaboration, we have international specialists from Asia, the Pacific, and Africa to bring their experience from many partner countries. In addition to the Fund’s Chair, The Hon John Anderson, AC, FTSE; new CEO, Prof Stephen Bartos, and Director of Capacity Building, Prof Shaun Coffey, a short listing of speakers includes:

Our conference audience will again include views from science, agriculture, politics, business and civil society to help focus our attention on the way forward. 

More details of the conference including the speaker profiles and program are available here. You can register here. Once again, we are providing special discounts for students and concession cardholders and the event will be streamed live for online participants.

We look forward to seeing you at our 2024 conference and hope that the focus on these significant issues improves all our work to ensure food and nutrition security.

Please follow us on social media @CrawfordFund and use the conference hashtag #24CFConf

Conference Scholars
Our conference would not be the same without our conference scholars! We will be continuing our successful Conference Scholars Program, which started in 2010 and has received overwhelmingly positive feedback. The program this year not only offers 50 young researchers and scientists the opportunity to engage in the conference and the separate scholar activities, it also connects them with established specialists in their field to mentor them over the conference period. We hope many who attend the conference will volunteer as mentors or donate to the program when they are prompted in the registration process.