29-30 August 2016, Canberra
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Conference ProgramBallroom, Realm Hotel, Barton 6-9pm The Sir John Crawford Memorial Address has been held annually since 1985 in honour of the remarkable Australian in whose name the Crawford Fund was established. He contributed at the highest levels to the development of Australia and other countries, and passionately supported international agricultural research for development. This year’s Sir John Crawford Memorial Address is titled ‘The Future of Our Food’ and will be presented by Professor Louise Fresco, President of the Executive Board of Wageningen University and Research Centre, and member of the Steering Committee of the FAO High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition presenting insights on where we stand in understanding the future of food. Our specially styled networking dinner enables participants to meet colleagues and make new connections with a wide variety of peers from across industries and regions in an enjoyable and more relaxed format than a formally seated dinner of previous years. ANNUAL CONFERENCE The Realm Hotel, Barton 9am-5pm ![]() 0830 REGISTRATION 0900 OPENING 0910 SESSION 1: MORNING KEYNOTE Waste Not, Warm Not: Poverty, Hunger and Climate Change in a Circular Food System 0930 Q&A: MORNING KEYNOTE 0940 SESSION 2: ON-FARM LOSSES Case Study 1: Bridging the Gap to On-Farm Storage: Prize Mechanisms, the Private Sector, and New Public Funding Mechanisms Case Study 2: Crop Health Capacity Building in Least Developed Countries—A Unique Approach Case Study 3: Plantwise—An Innovative Approach to Reduce Crop Losses by Sharing Plant Health Knowledge 1020 Q&A: ON-FARM LOSSES 1100 MORNING TEA 1145 SESSION 3: FROM FARM GATE TO FORK: PACKAGING, TRANSPORT AND PROCESSING Overview: Innovating to Save on Wastages in Agri-Value Chains Case Study 1: Towards Eradicating a Major Cause of Food Unavailability: On-Farm Losses Case Study 2: Postharvest Physical Risk Factors Along the Tomato Supply Chain: A Case Study of Fiji Case Study 3: Scavenging for Protein and Micronutrients—Village Poultry in Timor-Leste 1225 Q&A: FROM FARM GATE TO FORK 1255 LUNCH 1400 SESSION 4: A SPECIAL CASE—WHAT CAN SUPERMARKETS DO? Food Loss in Indonesian Supermarkets: What can Supermarkets do to Reduce Food Loss? 1415 SESSION 5: MANAGEMENT AND REUSE OF WASTE Case Study 1: Every Nutrient is Sacred—Developing a Nutrient Retention Paradigm to Aid Global Food Security Case Study 2: From Plant Wastes to Sustainable Aquafeeds—The NovacqTM Case History Case Study 3: Waste-to-Energy Innovations Powering a Circular Economy Case Study 4: Towards Global Phosphorus Security Through Nutrient Reuse 1505 Q&A: SUPERMARKETS, AND MANAGEMENT AND REUSE OF WASTE 1535 AFTERNOON TEA 1600 SESSION 6: AFTERNOON KEYNOTE Nestlé’s War on Waste: A Journey Through the Supply Chain 1620 MODERATED DISCUSSION SESSION 1700 CLOSE