Contact us
We aim to sustain international agricultural research for the decades to come by promoting and supporting R&D activities in which Australian organisations and companies are active participants, and by encouraging investment by governments and the private sector in agricultural research and its applications.
We promote the importance and potential of international agricultural research; offer practical, highly focused instruction to men and women engaged in agricultural research and management in developing countries; encourage and support young Australians in their careers, studies and volunteering in agriculture for development; develop policy and discussion papers to improve understanding of food security issues.
Along with our partners we share a vision of a better future with more productive and sustainable agriculture, less poverty and hunger, and a more secure world.
If you would like to discuss these things in more detail, or your request is much simpler, we are happy to help, and you can contact us via the details to the right.
Staff, board and coordinators
The Crawford Fund is about people.
We thrive because of the passion and dedication of our unpaid Board of Directors of highly experienced retired politicians, public servants, tertiary administrators and farmers, who ensure the Fund has the highest standards of governance; our State and Territory Coordinators who manage the Committees of volunteers who help form the partnerships between trainers and trainees; and our small staff team.
Office location & mailing address



86 141 714 490