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Dr Tony Gregson AM, PhD, DSc, FRACI, FTSE
Chair, Victorian State Committee
Dr Tony Gregson is on the board of the Crawford Fund and chairs the Fund’s Victorian Committee. He is a grain grower from Victoria’s Wimmera region with an extensive science and corporate research management background. He has degrees in science (PhD and DSc – University of Melbourne) and is a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering. He is Chairman of the University of Melbourne School of Botany Foundation; a Director of RIST (Rural Industries Skills Training); founder of the Country Education Foundation of Warracknabeal and district, and is on the board of the Foundation for Arable Research NZ. He was formerly Chairman of Plant HeaIth Australia and of the Board of Trustees, Bioversity International, and was on the ACIAR Commission for International Agricultural Research. Tony was an inaugural member of the CSIRO and GRDC Boards, has served on the boards of two CRCs, and is a former member of the CIMMYT, ANSTO, and Rural Finance Corporation of Victoria Boards.