April 27, 2023
The Crawford Fund is pleased to announce that it will be able to offer advanced training in research management with the scheduling of the fifth Agricultural Research Leadership and Management Master Class in Bangkok, commencing on Sunday 05 November 2023.
This Master Class is now acknowledged globally as an outstanding initiative that enables managers at all levels to grow the skills and practices required to lead successful agricultural research for development.
The purpose of the Master Class is to provide an opportunity for both experienced and emerging research leaders to take time out from their busy schedules to reflect on their roles in managing research. They will develop their own management models and learn new skills immediately applicable in their places of work.
We thank our partners the Asia-Pacific Association of Agricultural Research Institutions (APAARI) and ACIAR for their support for this initiative.
This will be the 5th Master Class on research leadership, and the proven program will include modules on:
All sessions are interactive and led by experienced practitioners. This is a hands-on experience providing ideas that can be immediately applied by participants to improve their practice.
If you are interested in attending, initial contact should be made with the Master Class leader, Shaun Coffey. His email is [email protected] Full details are still being developed, but places will be in high demand so early contact is advised.
Information about past ARLM Master Classes can be found here: https://www.crawfordfund.org/news/navigating-the-path-to-leadership/