Thursday, 25 February 2021
12.00pm (in person) or 12.40pm (online)
There is no doubt that the world’s ability to provide enough food for future generations is under stress. The jury is out on changing rainfall patterns, where fertile lands of today may become hostile deserts, whether population growth will continue, and on other impacts which will add to the food pressures. To add to the challenge, there are voices asking for the elimination of methane generating animals, inorganic fertilisers and GM food. Australia is fortunate in having world leading expertise both in food production and on analysis of the threats and is well positioned to make a vital contribution.
The Crawford Fund is pleased to have our Chairman, the Hon John Anderson AO FTSE, presenting the Chaikin Oration this year. The Oration is a premier event for the ATSE NSW Division. In his presentation “The looming global food crisis: challenge and opportunity,” John will inform us on the challenges of the looming global food crisis, both technical and political, and how Australia should respond and is already responding.
Attend in person — $90.00
To watch the webinar via zoom — free
UUSC Club, 25 Bent Street, Sydney NSW 2000
Register: here