26-28 August 2014
The Hon John Kerin AM, Chairman, The Crawford Fund
The Crawford Fund’s annual conference on food security, which holds a key place in the development and food security calendar in Australia, was held from 26-28 August in Parliament House, Canberra. The title for this year’s event “Ethics, Efficiency and Food Security: Feeding The 9 Billion, Well” focussed on a range of vital issues facing the developing world and Australia in efforts to produce more food in an ethical and efficient way. Conference downloads:
The Crawford Fund Parliamentary Conference has for more than two decades managed to bring to focus an array of issues just as they are coming to world and Australian attention. By attracting the world’s best speakers, providing an extended question and answer session and opportunities for informal exchanges, the Fund’s conferences enable participants both to contribute and to place the issues into a context relevant and useful to their lives and work. This year was no exception. In selecting a focus for our 2014 Conference, we were initially inclined to a topic around gender and food security or women in agriculture. Our Board, however, felt that the importance of women in agriculture could be covered well throughout the program rather than as a stand alone topic, and something that was less well recognised was the role of women in agricultural R&D and in agricultural policy. So, we had a majority of female speakers at this conference across topics that range from economics, population, competition for resources and advanced technologies, chosen not because they are women but because they were the top of their field. Our speakers in 2014 included: